The Medical Journal of Aegean Clinics is a periodical of the Society of Aid to Hospitals of İzmir and Fosterage of Scientific İnvestigations. The journal is published quadmonthly. The articles which could be prospective or retrospective on investigaional studies, case reports, letter to the editor and reviews of every aspect of medicine are published. The studies should have paramount ethical and scientific standards as well as no commercial concerns
Articles are accepted for publication on the condition that they are original, are not under consideration by another journal, or have not been previously published. The studies that are sent to the journal provided that the study is appropriate for formal principles are evaluated by the editor and two peer reviewers. The study is published once the approval of the reviewers have been taken. Hence, the authors should make the necessary changes in accordance with the reviewers comments.
The editor-in-chief may reject the article or case report with out sending it to the reviewers.
All authors should have contributed to the article directly either academically or scientifically. All persons designated as authors should plan or perform the study, write the paper or review the versions, approve the final version. It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets scientific criterias.
Manuscripts concerned with human studies must contain statements indicating that informed, written consent has been obtained, that studies have been performed according to the World Medical Association Declaration of Helsinki and that the procedures have been approved by a local ethics committee. The approval form of the ethics committee should be sent along with the manuscript. When reporting experiments on animals, authors should indicate whether the institutional and national guide for the care and use of laboratory animals was followed.All Authors are responsible for the quality, accuracy, and ethics of the work.
The Medical Journal of Aegean Clinics takes no responsibility for the Authors’ statements. The manuscripts, once accepted, become property of the journal and cannot be published elsewhere without the written permission of the Journal.
All retrospective, prospective and experimental research articles must be evaluated in terms of biostatics and it must be stated together with appropriate plan, analysis and report. p values must be given clearly in the manuscripts (e.g. p=0.014).
The official languages of the Journal are Turkish and English.
Turkish dictionary published by Turkish Language Institution ( ) should be predicated on Turkish manuscripts.
All spelling and grammar mistakes in the submitted articles, are corrected by the editor without changing the data presented.
It is the authors’ responsibility to prepare a manuscript that meets spelling and grammar rules.
A copyright transfer statement indicating that the ‘ The copyright to this article is transferred to The Medical Journal of Aegean Clinics and will be effective if and when the article is accepted for publication’ should be sent in the content of cover letter. No payment is done to authors for their articles.
Reviews: The reviews highlight or update new and/or controversial areas. The editor of the Journal invites author/authors for reviews.
Original articles: Original articles describe the results of basic or clinical studies or clinical trials. Original articles should not exceed 2500 words and 25 references.
Case Reports: The Journal publishes significant case reports related to the every aspect of medicine. The number of authors should not exceed 6 in the case reports.
Letter to the Editor: Text should not exceed 400 words, and include no more than 3 references (one of them should be the commenting article). Letters are selected for their importance, relevance, and originality; not all letters submitted can be published.
All manuscripts must be submitted electronically to the www.idhdergi
Cover letter: Cover letter should include statements about manuscript category designation, single-journal submission affirmation, conflict of interest statement, copyright transfer statement, sources of outside funding, equipments (if so).
Title Page: On the title page provide the complete title and a running title (not to exceed 55 characters and spaces). List each contributor’s name and institutional affiliation. Corresponding Author is the contributor responsible for the manuscript and proofs. This is the person to whom all correspondence and reprints will be sent. The corresponding author is responsible for keeping the Editorial office updated with any change in details until the paper is published.
Abstract and Key Words: The abstract must not exceed 250 words. It should summarize the aim of the study and describe the work undertaken, results and conclusions. In addition, you should list up to three key words in alphabetical order.
Introduction: The Introduction should briefly discuss the objectives of the study and provide the background information to explain why the study was undertaken, and what hypotheses were tested.
Materials and methods: Clearly explain the methods and the materials in detail to allow the reader to reproduce the results. Equipment and apparatus should cite the make and model number and the company name and address (town, county, country) at first mention. Give all measurements in metric units. Use generic names of drugs.
Results: Results must be presented in a logic sequence with text, tables and illustrations. Underline or summarize only the most important observation. Tables and text should not duplicate each other.
Discussion: This section should be concise. Emphasize only the new and most important aspects of the study and their conclusions. The Discussion should include a brief statement of the principal findings, a discussion of the validity of the observations, a discussion of the findings in light of other published work dealing with the same or closely related subjects, and a statement of the possible significance of the work. Authors are encouraged to conclude with a brief paragraph that highlights the main findings of the study.
Acknowledgements: Authors must acknowledge individuals who do not qualify as Authors but who contributed to the research.
Abbreviations: The abbrevation of a word or word sequence is given in the first appearance within a bracket after the word or word sequence. The abbrevation is used through the main text
Tables: Tables should be numbered consecutively within the text. Provide a number and title for each table.. Tables should not be submitted as photographs or graphics files.
Figure and table legends: Cite all tables and figures in the text, numbering them sequentially as they are cited. Each figure must have a corresponding legend. The legend must be numbered with a natural number
References: References in the text must be numbered in the order of citation and must be given with natural numbers within a bracket at the end of the sentence. Use of the form of the “Uniform requirements for manuscript submitted to biomedical journals”List all Authors when six or fewer; when seven or more, list only the first three and add ‘et al’. Journal titles should be cited in full. The style of references and abbreviated titles of journals must follow that of Index Medicus or one of the examples illustrated below:
Format for journal articles:
Sigel B, Machi J, Beitler JC, Justin JR. Red cell aggregation as a cause of blood-flow echogenicity. Radiology 1983;148(2):799-802.
Format for Committees and Groups of Authors:
The Standard Task Force, American Society of Colon and Rectal Surgeons: Practice parameters for the treatment of haemorrhoids. Dis Colon Rectum 1993; 36: 1118-20.
Format for Chapter from a book:
Milson JW. Haemorrhoidal disease. In: Beck DE, Wexner S, eds. Fundamentals of Anorectal Surgery. 1 1992; 192-214. 1a ed. New York: McGraw-Hill
Format for Books and Monographs:
Bateson M, Bouchier I. Clinical Investigation and Function, 2nd edn. Oxford: Blackwell Scientific Publications Ltd, 1981.
Associate Prof.A. Akın SİVASLIOĞLU
Izmir Hastanelerine Yardım ve Bilimsel
Araştırmaları Teşvik Derneği
Yeşilyurt, Izmir/TURKEY
Tel: +90 232 244 34 38
- Copyright Transfer Form must be signed by all authors.
- Allauthors of an article must submit their ORCID numbers.
(You can obtain and register for an ORCID ID from the website for free of charge. Inaccordance with the layout of our journal; the author’s ORCID ID must be written along with the author names and institution information in the first page of the study. )
- The Ethics Committee Consentitself (Ethics Committee Consent Document) must be sent with the study. Besides, thetitle of the study must be exactly thesamein the Ethics Committee Document.
- The approval of ethicscommitte is a mustfor the articlesto be published in our journal and a sentencedenoting that the study has had ethics committee approval must be present in the material-method section of a study.
- The consent of patient/patients is a must for the case reports to be published in our journal and a sentencedenoting that the case report has had ‘consent from the patient/patients’must be present in the introduction section of thestudy.
- Your articleshould be in a single file. The layoutof the study must be as following: Turkish Title, English Title, Turkish Abstract and Keywords, English Abstract and keywords in English. Table/tables and picture/pictures must be in place wherementioned.
- The cover pages hould be designed as the attached sample.
- Sample Cover Letter
- Review and Evaluation Process
- Method of Article Evaluation by Reviewers
- All articles are scientifically assessed through a double-blind peer review process.
- Preliminary Evaluation Articles submitted for publication to our journal are reviewed by the editor in terms of purpose, scope, methodology, and writing principles. If the editor identifies any deficiencies or issues in the article text or files, they will be returned to the author for completion. The author is informed of the reasons for the return and the deadline for resubmission. Publications that successfully pass the editor’s review are sent to two different reviewers by the Journal Secretariat for scientific evaluation and examination.
Reviewer Evaluation Method
Reviewers are expected to assess only the manuscripts within their field of expertise by the publication guidelines. Reviewers conduct their evaluations using the article evaluation form. Reviewers are expected to provide detailed explanations and reasons for their negative assessments, rather than simply responding with “yes” or “no” to evaluation criteria. From reviewers who recommend rejection of the article, a comprehensive set of guiding explanations is expected to be provided to the author.
Evaluation of Article Status
If two different reviewers provide the article’s opinion of “Suitable for Publication”, it will be published in the journal.
If two different reviewers provide the opinion of “Not Suitable for Publication” for the article, it will be rejected.
If one reviewer recommends acceptance and the other reviewer suggests minor or major revisions, the manuscript will be returned to the author for necessary changes within a specified timeframe.
After making the revisions, the Journal Secretariat will send it back to the reviewer if the revised manuscript is to be re-evaluated by the same reviewer. The reviewer will fill out the evaluation form again. If the reviewer’s decision is positive, the article will be eligible for publication. The following provision will be applied if the reviewer’s decision is negative.
In cases where one reviewer gives a positive recommendation and the other gives a negative recommendation during the evaluation process, the article will be sent to a third reviewer. The opinion of this third reviewer will determine whether the article should be published or not.
Post-Evaluation Process
All evaluation processes and reviewer reports are archived within the journal’s records.